Edge vs Chrome

Something interesting is happening in the world of internet browsers. Microsoft is flexing hard with their new Tulane-looking Edge logo, which sits especially nice next to the Chrome logo, on say a taskbar. Upon install Edge grabbed all my everything from Chrome, so I haven't missed a beat and am actually writing this blog with Edge.

At first, Edge didn't seem to want to shut down and I suspect it was indexing a bunch of stuff in the background, sharing everything with big brother haha. Now, however, it works quick and is especially nice when going between computers - my favorite desktop daughter photos are showing up on other machines. Given Microsoft's foothold, it only seems reasonable that they create a browser that works great with their operating system and enhances the user experience. 

One thing I noticed is Edge's alignment with Facebook. Skatepark Mark runs a lot of video content concurrently between Facebook and YouTube and when searching for my stuff in Edge a host of Facebook videos popped up, which is slightly conflicting for me since Facebook's video tool is annoying and I just love YouTube. 

Anyway, these colors feel gang related with the Crips (in blue) being Microsoft and Facebook and the Bloods (in red) being Google and YouTube. Maybe what we need is a truce bbq, some common ground where the scientific big brother and the artistic little brother can put aside their differences and work together to honor something singular, something shared, something uniting. 

For my brother and I it was our first dog Toby's grave. We would never lie on it. We honored our dead dog and maybe in similar fashion, in a realm of honor, Google and Microsoft can work together.


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